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Targeting Consumers at Home

With the change in working practices and the demand for quality printed content, our clients were looking for ways to reach their audiences at home with targeted and measurable promotions. We successfully drove subscription acquisition for publishers and web traffic for clients by employing our various innovative methods for targeting a consumer at home including:

  • Profiling against a national newspaper home delivery - We researched and initiated a relationship with final mile distributors to set up a new distribution route, profiling newspaper home news deliveries of a national/regional newspaper against a sample copy of a client’s magazine.

  • We continued to service our racks in luxury apartments which enjoyed high pick up rates throughout 2020

  • Postcode targeting - We offered residential deliveries whereby areas were targeted by postcode using the latest planning software to ensure magazines were delivered straight into the hands of a target audience

  • Home Move Boxes - We sampled magazines in “Home Move Boxes” which are welcome packages delivered to new home owners

Yvonne McColvin who manages subscriptions for both National Geographic Traveller and the Critic praised our work “The sampling of magazines against a specific national newspaper was a fantastic way of running a targeted measurable promotion and resulted in increased subscriptions for both of these titles”

Our luxury men's title required a global distribution to drive traffic to their e-commerce site. Working with agents world-wide, we identified where we could effectively target people in their homes using existing and new distribution networks across the globe:

  • UK - targeting home deliveries using apt brands of newspapers. Copies were sent in with a curated letter from the publisher to convey brand messages.

  • US - via various local agents targeting lobbies in luxury apartments in New York & Washington together with Florida upmarket condos and apartment blocks in Miami & South Beach.

  • UAE - a new service to Global Media Hub whereby we targeted luxury residential developments across Dubai via our local agent

  • Hong Kong: targeting exclusive residences

  • Australia: We worked with our existing local distributor to create this new service for them. Targeting high net worth homes in Sydney across areas such as Double Bay

The result of the distribution led to a significant increase in web traffic


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